Comet Tale Productions is a Boston-based video production house. We hope that through this blog you will learn more about the behind-the-scenes of corporate video.

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Impact of a Comet Tale

You might see our name and wonder, "Comet Tale? What's that? One of those PBS mini-series documenting the wonders of the universe for toddlers across America?" Well, no, although that would be the perfect name for such a thing (PBS, call us).

A Comet Tale can be a number of things:

  • A novel your fingers won't let you put down, likely about Vampires, or Werewolves, or both (Oh my!) 
  • A television series that brings you back to your couch every Sunday night, likely about infidelity, or drug use, or both (thank you AMC)
  • A film, one you wait weeks or months to see on big screens with the ones you love 
A comet does not come around very often, but when it does it mesmerizes us, it captivates us, it instills fear in us, and it gives us hope. And this all happens in a matter of seconds, minutes, or hours. As quickly as it came into our lives on the largest silver screen known to man, it similarly vanishes from sight, leaving us with nothing but the impact of its beauty. 

That's the thing about a Comet Tale - it's just a story. There are millions of them. But a story is only worth as much as the impact it leaves with to whom the story is told. No two readers, or listeners, or viewers will have the same collection of Comet Tales. But I promise you, at least everyone has one. There is at least one story in all of us that has flown through our lives and changed the essence of our being from the inside out.

These are the stories worth telling. These are the stories we hope to tell.

Oh, it's also a pun, and hey, who doesn't like a good pun?

-- by Ryan Brandenburg

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